A letter to the hopeful romantic who is single on Valentine's day (again)

Valentine is coming, where is your boyfriend?? Jkjk 🤭

So it’s that time of year again and everyone is showcasing their beautiful bouquets, romantic dinners, and matching outfits with their significant other and we are still waiting on the Lord to do it for us. 

My dearest sister, I want to encourage you to wait well. Wait with expectancy that this will happen for you. One mindset that may seem like an easy way to cope is to be convinced that you will never experience true love and a godly marriage. However, I truly believe this mindset is one of hopelessness that the enemy uses to rob children of God from taking hold of what God has for them. Matthew 21:22 makes it clear that effective prayers must be accompanied by a believing heart. Therefore, it makes sense that the enemy would try to weaken your belief in this area so that your prayers are less impactful or just nonexistent. However, I urge you to keep hoping, believing, and praying that God will cause the right person to come into your life at the right time. Someone who will see the light that God has placed in you and love you as Christ loves the church.  

My dearest sister, do not let waiting become a prison sentence of sadness and despair. Get up and enjoy your life. Travel, pour into your family and friendships, read all those books on your TBR list, go on solo dates, start that business, blog, YouTube channel, podcast, foundation, fellowship or whatever else the Lord has laid on your heart to do. Take responsibility for your own happiness and fulfillment. As Ecclesiates 2:24 says, “Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and that his soul should enjoy good in his labor. This also, I saw, was from the hand of God.” – it’s clear that God’s gift to us is to be able to enjoy good in our labor so find enjoyment in this season of your life and do not spend this time waiting, trapped inside and idle like Rapunzel waiting for her prince charming. 

My dearest sister - if you listen to nothing else that I say, I beg you to take heed to this - do not settle just to end the wait. It is better to be single and deal with the sting of loneliness than to be with someone who is not equipped to partner with you in executing God’s plan for your life. Such an error can derail, delay, or completely destroy one’s destiny. For your sake and that of the generations to come from you, wait with endurance until the right person comes along. Lamentations 3:25-29 is a great anchor scripture in this regard. Jeremiah - writing as Jerusalem - talks about how it is good to hope and wait quietly on the Lord even in the face of adversity. The season may be challenging, but it is better to endure the challenge with the help of the Holy Spirit knowing that God has allowed this challenge than for you to rush into a new set of challenges with a man that is not in God’s perfect will for you. My sister, I admonish you, wait with endurance.

My dearest sister,  cling to the Lord - not just to cope with the challenge of being single in a season like this one - but because He is your all in all. He is the only one who can understand you and satisfy your soul. Cling to the Lord because the enemy may try to use your singleness against you to drag you into a pit of despair, insecurity, and jealousy; however, if you remain connected to the Master - who is God Almighty - you will most certainly be able to maintain your confidence, peace of mind, and joy even as a single woman in world that bases your value on your relationship to man. We as daughters of God - knowing that our value comes from Him - can cling to Him to be our sustenance now and forevermore because He will always be the only One who can satisfy our souls. 


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