Godly Femininity: The Truth About Proverbial Women

A couple of years ago, I was scrolling on YouTube as I normally do when I came across a video about how to be more feminine. I had seen similar videos on my recommended page before but I never watched any but this day, I was curious and I had time. Imagine my surprise when the person began to speak about the most superficial things. Since then, I’ve witnessed the rise of femininity coaches on social media who all spew very controversial takes on how women can be more like…women. It’s times like this that I am especially grateful that my identity is rooted in Christ Jesus and who He says I am because social media makes it seem like I’m less of a woman if I wear my bonnet in public or talk about my accomplishments…please.

 Femininity is way more than just your appearance and docility. It’s a part of your identity that reflects in your character. My favorite guide to femininity is Proverbs 31. (I know this scripture is commonly used as a guide for wives but we’re all brides of Christ so it’s relevant regardless of your relationship status.) The woman described in this scripture was trustworthy, entrepreneurial, responsible, caring, wise in her decision-making, generous, creative, resourceful, kind, and proactive. She is a leader in her own right. She rises early in the morning just to prepare for her family and she manages her time well. These are the qualities that define a good woman. Now I can ask myself questions based on this scripture such as:

“Can God trust me?”

“Do I generate and steward my God given wealth with wisdom and discipline?”

“Do I care for God’s creation?”

“Do I work willingly or complain and mope all the time?”

“Do I manage my time well?”

“Do I make wise decisions that cause me to be fruitful?”

When the answer is yes to these questions and you can actually think of examples of when and how you display these traits (bonus points if someone else bears witness), then you’re definitely walking in godly femininity which is the only kind that really matters.


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