

For years, I have played with the idea of starting a blog; a public platform on which I would publish my ideas with the world.  Of course, each time the idea came across my mind, I would find a seemingly unlimited amount of excuses to block it such as:

What would I write about?

Where will I get the equipment?

Who will read it?

These questions and many more were the blankets that I used to hide the real reason. However, today I know that it is that wretched four-letter beast….


In the past several months, I have realized that fear is my reason for not pursuing this goal and many others. I was scared of failing and finding out that I am not actually good at the things I want to do. I was scared of being the subject of ridicule among my peers. In every other area of my identity, I am confident but in this I was scared. I laugh as I write this because now that I am confronting this fear and refusing to carry it, I realize how ridiculous a fear it was. In everything, there is an opportunity for learning and growth and blogging is no different. So, this post is to tossing fears out the window and pursuing goals relentlessly and without ceasing.

In this new year, I admonish anyone reading this to do the very same. If there is an idea, skill, or goal that you would love to pursue and you know that fear is the obstacle that blocks your path, overcome it. Do not think about all the ways that you could possibly fail. Instead, think affirmatively and do not let followers, subscribers, clientele, or money be the determinants of your success. If you pursue your goals relentlessly and work as hard as you possibly can, then you have done well and that is all that matters.


How To Actually Accomplish Your Goals