How To Actually Accomplish Your Goals


So, you’ve created goals for the new year but January is coming to an end and you’re already falling off track. Don’t worry it happens to the best of us. It’s easy to fall back into those same old habits of last year so here’s how I avoid doing just that:

Have Faith

I truly believe that one’s mindset is an important factor in whether they succeed or not. You absolutely cannot look at your goals and allow doubt or fear to stop you from trying. If there is a goal that you want to achieve but you don’t want to write it down because the thought of even trying intimidates you then you need to write it down and believe that you CAN do it.

Writing Your Goals Down

Not typing them in notes on your phone or computer, and not just jotting them down mentally but actually putting pen to paper and recording everything you want to accomplish this year. Think of it as setting it in stone; you wrote it down and now it’s on the paper and never going away, so you HAVE to do it. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.

Post It UP

Not on social media for it to get lost among all the posts on your endless timeline, but on your wall, mirror, or anywhere that allows you to see those goals every day and be reminded of those promises you made to yourself. This way if you ever fall off track, you’ll have constant reminders that you cannot avoid of what you ought to be working on.

What’s Changing?

You can’t accomplish new goals with old habits. These are the facts. Therefore, it’s not enough to just write your goals but also it is important to assess your old ways and note the changes that need to be made in your lifestyle, work ethic, or diet in order for you to achieve your goal. After completing this assessment, create a plan (in WRITING) of how exactly you will succeed. This plan should consist of the new habits you will form (i.e. waking up earlier, using a planner, going to the gym, etc.) and the actions you will take (i.e. buying a planner, registering for a gym membership, etc.) to ensure that your goals for 2018 are realized.

Share with me what goals you want to accomplish this year and how you plan on doing so!



Stay With Me By Adebayo Ayobami

